Horizon 2020 projects

IngREeS: Setting up Qualification and Continuing Education and Training Scheme for Middle and Senior Level Professionals on Energy Efficiency and Use of Renewable Energy Sources in Buildings (March 2015 - ongoing). The ingREeS project is directly linked to the European Build Up Skills initiative (BUS). It will extend the implementation of the Roadmaps on enhancement of skills to middle and senior level construction professionals. The Roadmaps identified key measures for setting up a national qualification and training schemes and other measures for ensuring development of skills essential for the field of buildings.
Train-to-NZEB: The project aims to provide world-class training on energy efficiency and RES in buildings, based on new training programmes, business plans and up-to-date training equipment for a set of training and consultation centers (Building Knowldge Hubs) in Bulgaria, Romania, the Czech Republic, Ukraine and Turkey. Its goal is to improve the knowledge and skills in the construction sector and to provide practical training courses, demonstrations and comprehensive consulting services for design and construction of Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB) supported by RES, based on the Passive House concept.
Fit-to-NZEB: The project aims to increase the competence and skills of the building professionals in the participating countries - Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Croatia, Ireland, Austria and Greece - through unique educational programmes and pilot training courses, which will contribute to both the quality and the scale of the deep energy building renovations. The project will produce all necessary requisites for the introduction of educational content on deep energy retrofit in the curricula at all levels of the vocational training and education system - universities, professional high schools and colleges, vocational training centers.
NEW-COM: NEWCOM is a European-wide project to develop training schemes to enable construction workers and building professionals to build the nearly zero-energy building standard. The possibility of mutual recognition of the developed training schemes in the European Union is of major importance. By NEWCOM trainings construction workers will be skilled to construct the nearly zero-energy building and to renovate the existing building stock up to a very high energy standard. Furthermore building professionals will be qualified to investigate the energy standard of renovated and new buildings to guarantee the implementation of a high quality standard.
StavEdu: National Scheme of Qualification, Further Education and Training for Craftsmen and On-site Workers in the Sector of Buildings in SLovakia - energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources in buildings
PROF / TRAC: Open Training Platform and Qualification scheme for Continuing Professional Development for professionals in the building sector.
PROF / TRAC targets technical experts, architects and managers involved in nZEB design and construction. The developed European training and qualification scheme will be part of a life-long learning process for continuous development and up-skilling of professionals.
MEnS: Meeting of Energy professional Skills (March 2015 - ongoing)
The idea behind MEnS originates from the need to provide answers/solutions to current problems faced by societies. Our proposal therefore was constructed in a way such as to answer the specific challenges in the field of skills upgrading for the professionals involved in the construction industry.
BU.G.S: BUilding Green Skills (December 2014 - May 2016)
The overall objective of BU.G.S is to contribute to the removal of “bugs”, namely green skills gaps, which cause an incorrect result in the economic development and professional growth in the Construction Sector.
“Energy Data Innovation Network” (EDI-Net)
EDI-Net assists in building your city's or region's capacity to more effectively implement sustainable energy policies. Therefore it is analysing short time series metered energy and water data from public buildings, from renewable energy systems and from building energy management systems (BEMNS) in order to reduce energy consumption and to save money. Our initiative can help monitor the implementation of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans or your city's or region's local Climate Protection Plans.